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Children's Chatter
What I Think About Terrorism, By Brett Pluimer age 10 First of all, they both STINK!!! I don't understand why things like this have to happen. I thought God put us on the Earth to love, cherish, and respect each other; not hate, kill, and destroy one another. I think we should all feel blessed to be alive, especially the people of America that live in the best country in the whole entire world. After the war in Afghanistan ends, I would love it if everyone would just love each other like God wants us to do. I also hope that people of Bin Laden's sort would become saved and would start being Holy Men of God. I also think that parents should not allow their children to watch any kind of war movies because they tend to frighten us?especially at a time like this. I hope my article has been convincing to all of you. Oh?and another thing, GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
Teaching Your Toddler to Pray Teach your toddler to pray. Go outside and show your child the flowers and leaves, point out the sky. Explain that God loves us so much that He made these things for us. Then have your child repeat a simple prayer of thanks to God for what He created, "Dear God, thank you for making the trees and the birds and the flowers." Take the education inside. At dinner explain why we pray before a meal. God loves us so much that He provided food for us, "Thank you, God for our food." You can also teach them to lay hands on family members when they are sick or get boo-boos. Before they begin kindergarten, begin taking them to their new school after hours and have them pray with you over their future campus. The few moments a day spent doing this develops a lifetime of communication between your tot and their God.
In preparing to leave for vacation this summer, I quickly finished a meeting and dashed off to pick up my two year old so we could do some last minute clothes shopping. Still dressed in my "meeting clothes"- a silk shirt and suit, my daughter and I made our way to the mall where I picked out three items for myself and scurried into the dressing room. Since I was in hurry, I quickly tried on two garments and then reached for the third, only to find it missing. I questioned my daughter who was playing on the floor with the clothes. I said, "Kyndal, where is the third garment? Mommy has tried on two and I need the third one." She pointed her little finger at me and sternly proclaimed, "You be happy with what you have!" Shocked, yet trying not to laugh, I noticed she also had my silk shirt wadded up on the floor. I gingerly reached for it explaining to her that it was silk, expensive, and Mommy did not want it on the floor. As she began to hand it to me she kindly said to me, "Just a minute Mommy, I need to wipe my nose on it first." I hastily grabbed it out of her hand and shouted, "No! That is Mommy's and it is silk!" Putting one hand on her hip and again pointing the small finger she scolded me saying, "You are being very selfish today!" By Rev. Kimberlie Zakarian
This chatter comes to us from Tammy Wergin of Longmont, Colorado. If you have any children?s chatter you would like us to print please mail or e-mail it to us at Holy House Ministries.
One afternoon while sitting at home, my two-year-old daughter turned to her daddy and said, "Hand me my blanket." With the hope of her remembering her manners he said, "How do you ask?" Her response, in a suspiciously authoritative way said, "NOW."
This chatter comes to us from Pastor Kimberlies four-year-old daughter, Kiandra. This is what Kimberlie calls comedic intelligence. Kimberlie was sitting in a doctors office with her two daughters awaiting the arrival of their pediatrician. The oldest daughter, Kiandra, asked her Mommy to hand her a book-completely forgetting the use of her manners. Kimberlie, wanting to make this a training experience, asked her young daughter, What is the appropriate way to ask for a book? Kiandra quickly blurted out one word, Please! This was not good enough for Mommy, who wanted a complete sentence to be spoken so that her daughter would remember how to request things in the future, so she asked Kiandra, What else? With an exasperated roll of her eyes, Kiandra let out a huge sigh before loudly blurting out, PLEASE, THANK YOU, EXCUSE ME, and GOD BLESS!
Toddler Tips Summer and early Fall are the perfect seasons for a backyard camp out under the stars. Children (and adults too!) have a natural curiosity about the stars and moon. They will delight in spending a warm evening stargazing with you! Spread out an old blanket on your backyard grass area and lay down, facing the stars. Prompt questions with your child such as how many stars are in the sky and then try to count them! Teach your children about constellations, the Big and Little Dipper, or whatever information you may have to share. The sky is the limit as to what you can learn and teach your child! Your children will have questions, which will provide a wonderful opportunity to refer to Genesis 1 and 2; how God created the World! Marvel at God's handy work as you stargaze and give thanks for the beauty and wonder of the heavens and earth! Then serve up your favorite treat...picnic style! Debbie Hawkins School Teacher Scottsdale, Arizona When your toddlers get bored in the hot weather, give them a paint can filled with water and an old paintbrush. Tell them to paint your house, refinish the gazebo, whatever comes to mind. Other containers work well too- juice cans, plastic milk cartons with the top cut off, anything safe will do. The sky is the limit with you and your toddlers imagination! Using sidewalk chalk, draw a bulls eye or other picture on the ground. Supply your toddler with a bucket of water and some colorful sponges. Have them do target practice with the soaked sponges and see how long it takes to make the chalk art disappear. Pastor Kimberlie
Pastor Kimberlie and Daryl with Jonathan Hooker, a teen they have been ministering. To the Teens "Consequences" As a teen, I never knew there would be consequences to the choices I made. It was a season of living for the moment. I thought I would be young forever. How wrong I was. I truly wish that someone would have taken me under their wing or come to speak to our youth group and share about "consequences." Consequences are not something you think much about when you are young. Unfortunately, that does not mean they do not exist-on the contrary they do. I had many "bad" things happen to me as a child and teen, things beyond my control, things I did not ask for. I then made choices based on the abuse I had experience. I DID have control over those choices. I could have chosen not to do many of the things I did. Sadly, I never thought of consequences because I had never heard about them. I thought I was invincible. As I have shared my testimony at churches, youth groups and schools, I have heard stories of adults who made choices as teens to be sexually active, thinking they never contracted a sexually transmitted disease, only to be married ten years later and unable to conceive a child. Why? They had contracted a disease that never manifested until a decade later. It changed there destiny forever. I have heard stories of individuals who later had cancer because of choices they made as teens, again a decade or more later. Think it doesn't happen? Wrong, I have talked face to face with these individuals. I made choices as a teen that were wrong. I thought it was "innocent" fun- partying, dating, going a little "too far." I never dreamed these things would come back to haunt me. On the contrary, when I rededicated my life to Jesus Christ I thought I had been "washed clean by the blood of the Lamb." Well I had- spiritually, but I had no idea that my consequences were to come; years later. My first year of marriage was a struggle because of the choices my husband and I both made as teenagers. I would not want anyone to go through the hell that we experienced before Christ walked us through a healing process. My heart's cry as I write this is that it would make you, as a teenager, stop and think of the choices you have made or are on the verge of. True joy, peace, and direction for your life can only come from obedience to God's Word and making good choices. I pray that you will. I pray that with all of my heart. Pastor Kimberlie "Now is Your Season of Power" I love young people. If you are reading this, you are at the greatest, most influential age that you will ever be at. You are no longer a kid, not quiet an adult, but you are living in an hour where GOD CAN USE YOU MIGHTILY! At the season when I recently stepped out of youth ministry as a full time youth pastor, I was seeing incredible things happening on school campus. Young people were kneeling at their schools at lunch time, praying for their campuses, their teachers, their administration, their communities. We took a prayer movement called the "30KD" (Thirty Second Kneel Down) to campuses in our community. Junior and Senior High School students were being led by their peers, without shame, as they prayed for their friends and schools. Do you know what happened? Teens started getting saved. Teens started bringing their friends to youth group. I would go to the campuses, unannounced, at lunch and see eighty to ninety young people kneeling and crying out to God. What a witness! It is events like this that go down in history. It is revival and movements such as these that make the newspaper and magazine articles. After one of the community revivals that we hosted at our church, a funny, popular, young man in our youth group came up to me and asked, "Pastor Kimberlie, will you please pray for me? I want to something outrageous for Christ." We prayed and he did! With all my years in youth ministry, I will remember that one young man. Doing something outrageous for Christ makes you a history maker. Now is your season of power. I want to encourage you as fall approaches and a new school year is before you, pray and ask God, "What is that outrageous thing I can do for God that will make me stand out in history?" I am excited to hear what the answer is. Pastor Kimberlie *If you find yourself being challenged, and doing something outrageous for Christ this year on your campus or in your community, e-mail us at HolyHouse9@aol.com We would love to hear from you! For more on the "Thirty Second Kneel Down" prayer movement, check out their Web site at www.30kd.org
Holy House Ministries Rev. Kimberlie Zakarian 9641 Tujunga Cyn. Blvd. Tujunga, CA 91042 Phone 818-249-3477 Fax 818-249-3432 E-mail HolyHouse9@aol.com
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