Growing Daily into a WISE WOMAN of God "Time Saving Tips" Being a wise woman requires wearing many hats. To fit into a day all that is important requires great organizational skills. If you are like me, you feel a sense of disappointment on the days you do not spend enough time with your family, the Lord, and training your kids. Here are some tips I use to help me in my tasks as a mommy, wife, and teacher to my children.
·Keep parenting books, magazines, and leaflets in your car to read when you know you will have a long wait somewhere they are a great way to glean ideas.
·Every evening, write out tomorrow's "to-do" list in the order of travel: mail box down the street, grocery store by childrens school, library on way home. Saves back tracking as you run errands.
·Place tomorrow's items in your car the night before (i.e. bills to mail, homework, after school sports uniforms); saves last minute stress.
·When you have a project you are working on, keep a manila folder handy and pop your work in to edit or brainstorm on when you have to wait anywhere (i.e. doctor's appointment).
·When your family gets home, have designated purse hooks and shoe and coat closets. Have your family immediately place all items in their proper place. Saves time tidying up later.
·At the gym, pray while you exercise. You will cover your spiritual and physical workout.
·Get up ten minutes early each morning to spend time with the Lord. Even kneeling in prayer for 60 seconds and reading your Bible for five minutes helps everything else fall into place.
·Finish any last minute chores before bed. This will leave you feeling organized in the morning.
·Look at your schedule a month, week, and day in advance; you will have no hidden surprises- a real time waster.
·Keep educational and spiritual tapes in the car. As you drive, your family can learn a new language, practice vocal exercises, worship songs, or Scriptures.
·Plan menus for the week.
·Keep antibacterial wipes in your bathroom. After morning showers, wipe the floor and counter down. This keeps your bathroom from needing to be cleaned frequently.
Keep separate folders for medical, clothes, grocery, and business receipts. Place receipts in designated folders as soon as the purchase is made. Prevents year end stress.
·Keep paper and a pen in your car to jot down work, menu, or errand ideas as you think of them.
·As you drive your children around, take time to pray and learn a memory verse together.
·Look for opportunities for spiritual life lessons (i.e. when your children ask you why butterflies come out of cocoons, or why Uncle Tony has cancer). These lessons make more of an impact on our children than sitting down to curriculum.
Simple tips like these help incorporate spiritual time and training into my family's lives. It also helps get all our duties accomplished!
Kimberlie Zakarian
"Is There a Prayer Warrior in the House?" Given what is occurring in our nation, I have felt an overwhelming desire to pray more. I did not think that was possible. You see, I am a prayer warrior. I was not necessarily born this way, although I can always remember talking to God. It is a spiritual gift, one my mother also possesses. Prayer to me is the greatest gift in the world. It gives me a direct line to God. I take this as a tremendous blessing, given He is omnipotent and I am not. God and my family are the most important things in the world to me. Every morning and night I lay hands on my children and pray for their physical, spiritual, and emotional protection-every morning and night. If I am away from them I pray the same prayer before I retire that I would if I were present. You see, I know only God is truly able to protect my children. Every morning I kneel for my husband and marriage. I ask God to bless us indeed. I ask Him to direct my husband as the spiritual leader and to chip away at my imperfections so I can be a submissive wife and a blessing to my husband-everyday. Now our nation is at war. I am powerless to do anything. This grieved me the first few weeks. I was on a prayer walk and God spoke to me. Just one righteous man in the bible changed history. So I began to kneel for our President to have wisdom and for the plans of our enemy's to be thwarted-everyday. This hardly seemed like enough as I sensed the now familiar "labor pains" of God calling me to deeper prayer. I began to go on prayer walks around my community. Up and down each street I pray for protection of the families and their salvation while I name the streets to my Lord. I have gone to my children's school and prayed there. I cannot stop-it is addicting. Then another direction of prayer hit me. I have always taught my children to pray. In fact, at eighteen months of age, my toddler one day recognized that her pregnant mommy was having a hard time. I came into the room to find her praying aloud for her mommy-with a discerning and precise direction. I have never experience a greater spiritual joy. But there has to be more. Why not teach them (even at two and four) to pray for their school. Their neighborhood? I asked to be part of the Presidential Prayer Team. I received the requests of our President-for protection for his family and clarity of mind. The United States Senate Chaplain wrote that we have on our coins "In God We Trust." When we begin to take seriously that profession, we will find peace. As I went on a prayer walk the other day I cried out to my God, "Lord, train me in righteousness, and beckon me to pray; on my knees, for my husband, laying hands on my children, training them to pray, throughout our community, for our President, for our nation. Please Lord, remind me to pray-everyday." Pastor Kimberlie
"Take Heart Tips" Don't just take these home; take them to heart so they go with you wherever you go. ·Lay hands on your children daily and pray physical, spiritual, and emotional protection ·Daily kneel and pray that God would bless your marriage ·Men- daily ask God to teach you how to be the spiritual leader of your home ·Women- daily ask God to bring correction and submission into your life ·Children- daily ask God to train you in obedience to your parents and Him ·Several times a week walk around your neighborhood and pray protection and salvation naming the streets ·Daily pray for your president to have discernment on the decisions he makes ·Thank God for a godly president ·Pray for the enemy?s plans to be thwarted ·Train your kids to be prayer warriors "Submission" Oh, how I love this topic-just not today. That topic is the big S word-submission. It is a topic that I counsel women on, a topic that I preach on, a topic that I love to live, simply because I know it is God's ordained role for me as a wife. But, I recently got told that there are times when I need a little more of it in my life-ouch! I have to be transparent; if we are not transparent we will not grow in our walks with Christ. If we do not grow, we cannot teach others-and ladies, God has called us to teach others (Titus 2:3-5). So off I trot to the Word of God to again do a refresher course on submission-a trait I thought I had mastered. Submission is a word I have heard women suck in their breath at; a very misunderstood word. As a strong woman I can see the bad reputation submission has. After all, this is the year 2001, and we do not live in a foreign land. Yet, God?s Word is timeless and I have to admit that at times, as much as I want to submit, my strong and self-sufficient will sometimes unknowingly drowns the very submission that I preach. Submission is a blessing from God. It is a covering to us as women. It does not mean that we have a man lording over us, abusing us, taking our rights away. It means that God has His ordained role for us as wives-to respect and submit to our husbands (Colossians 3:18; Ephesians 5:22). I have had many a woman say to me, "but he yells at me," or, "his demands are outrageous." To this I direct them and myself back to the Word of God. As we submit, we are obeying our Maker, and then He can fight our battles. When we feel unjustly treated, or want our way to be known, I counsel, ladies, keep your mouths closed until you can open them on your knees to your Lord. God designed submission to bring order and blessing into our lives and marriages. Men do not desire or find beautiful a mouthy wife. But a woman who is strong and secure in her relationship with God, who talks respectively to her husband, and does her best to see his needs met is a woman who will see her heavenly Father bless her marriage. In such, God will move in and act on her behalf if she is being treated unfairly. No, I was not being mistreated. My lack of submission sneaks in like a thief in the night when I think I am doing my best to be submissive. Why? Because I have a sin nature! I praise God that I can recognize this, ask forgiveness, and move on to, by his grace, teach others again what I have learned through my mistakes. Ladies, lets check all of our actions, refer constantly to the Word of God, and be honest-are we being submissive wives? Learning to Grow With You, Pastor Kimberlie
Holy House Ministries Rev. Kimberlie Zakarian 9641 Tujunga Cyn. Blvd. Tujunga, CA 91042 Phone 818-249-3477 Fax 818-249-3432 E-mail