Monthly Topic
Holy House Ministries


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The Power of the Family

I was driving in my car the other day thinking about my twelve years in youth ministry. I saw incredible Holy Ghost occurrences take place, I saw hundreds of young people accept Jesus into their heart, I witnessed teens bringing their parents to church, and I saw a few moms and dads touched. But never, ever, did I see large amounts of families all boldly saved, on fire, training their children to be strong Christians who lead people to the Lord from my work as a youth pastor. Sadly, what I did often see was young people cave under the pressure of an unsaved family, and eventually back slide.

Is this because I, or other youth pastors across the nation, are not doing our job? Absolutely not! The explanation is simple-the single most powerful factor in the raising and maturing of young Christian lives is the family.

God ordained the role of husband and wife to be united in a marriage that is an example of Christ?s love for the church. Through this union we are commanded to raise Godly offspring, who will in turn, be disciples for Christ, marry, and raise Godly offspring. Youth pastors and other church leaders, while boldly doing the work of Christ, were never intended to take the place of parents. There is an incomparable power that comes when parents are walking aggressively with Christ, raising their children in His ways, and being an example to the world of a strong, Christian, family unit.

On this monthly tape entitled, "The Power of the Family" three aspects of the power of the family unit will be discussed: The Power of Parents, The Bonding Process, and The Witness to the World.

We pray this tape will bless your family.
Pastor Kimberlie

Taming Jealousy Among Women in the Body of Christ(July-Aug. topic)

Dont let the title scare you- we have all been victims and villains when it comes to jealousy. I recently spoke on this topic at a ladies retreat. It was such a controversial topic and we had such a good reaction that I really felt the Lord wanted us to make it the Monthly Topic for the website.

Jealousy is an emotion that comes in to divide and undermine Gods plan for the body of Christ. Every woman has experienced the hurt jealousy causes whether we have been on the delivering or receiving end. But did you know that one of Gods very names is Jealous? Its true! Genesis 34:14 tells us so. God has many attributes: Love, faithfulness, mercy, and jealousy, to name a few. In this context the Hebrew verb for jealousy is qanna which is very closely related to zeal. God is zealous for us. He demands our loyalty in a covenant relationship. Jealousy has a purpose- to keep us loyal and faithful in our covenant relationships, with God and our spouse; period. Beyond that context jealousy is a sin (Galatians 5:16-21).

In this monthly tape four aspects of jealousy are discussed: Its Purpose, Its Practice, Its Potential, and Its Purging. To order a tape and worksheet call, write, or e-mail us at Holy House Ministries.
This month we will send you the tape free of charge as our way of saying thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter and make your home a Holy House.

Pastor Kimberlie


Praying for Your Child's "Weaknesses"

When the topic for this month?s prayer column first came to my mind, I wrote it on a post-it note, stuck it on my cupboard, and proceeded on my merry little way. It was some time later that the Lord began to show me what He was truly trying to say.

This month's prayer is to pray for your child's weaknesses. For those of you with great spiritual insight you probably already know where this is heading, for the rest of us difficult folks-like myself, I will tell you, STRAIGHT TO YOUR HEART.

As I began to consider my kid's weaknesses and ponder upon them, it was painfully and quickly revealed to me that many of the things they struggle with are struggles of my own. I immediately felt conviction and helplessness. As I turned my face toward heaven and cried out to my Redeemer, my mind was flooded with the countless promises of His Word; strength, forgiveness, wisdom, and among them, His promise for the freedom that He imparts to us, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed"(John 8:36).

In order to have an effective prayer life, we must accept this Scripture for the claiming. We must believe that regardless of the spiritual baggage we have, our Great Giver of Life will respond to the prayer of the forgiven parent who believes His Word. Parents, lets unpack our baggage, pick up our sword, and know that as we pray, Jesus is revealing and healing those He has entrusted to us.

Penny Eddings


How does one even begin to articulate about not only one of my "favorite" things but two? The beginning of the autumn season and prayer. I have heard some people describe this season as "depressing" or "sad," NOT I!! For me, it?s a time of settling back into routine (which I love), putting the kids to bed early, being DARK outside, pumpkin spice candles, pumpkin spice room freshener, pumpkin spice lotion, shower gel, body spray...well, I think you are getting the picture ? PUMPKIN SPICE EVERYTHING!

When this somewhat slower, more melodic season arrives, let's prepare our hearts to hear from our Lord. In order to hear, we must listen; in order to listen, we must be quiet. Let's praise God for a time when we can get up a little earlier and "FALL" on our knees and seek His holy face.

As we are faithful to meet with Him, let us also be faithful to take what we receive from the Father and cover our children and spouses with His mighty power and protection. May we never forget that we, as women, are the "heart" of our homes. Autumn truly is a wonderful time of the year, so as you sit in your favorite chair in the morning (with your cup of "Pumpkin Spice" coffee), remember as the leaves begin to fall in beautiful silence, so shall be our homes.

Penny Eddings


When my day is overwhelming and all my thoughts have gone astray
Lord help me to seek your heart and drop to my knees and pray
For it is in your presence that my priorities come into Kingdom order
As my stuff falls at your feet, your glory illuminates a corridor
The peace that I feel, earthly words pale
Yet in my spirit I can hear My love will never fail.

Penny Eddings; Holy House Ministries Prayer Coordinator


"The prayer of a righteous woman is powerful and effective."
James 5:16b


My hope is that you all had a wonderful Holiday Season with your families. What a joy to relive your children's younger lives in their children. Grandchildren are the hope of the future and the pleasure of the present.

This has been and continues to be a difficult time. Hold fast to your family and the important things in life. We rush, bustle and worry when we need to use that time in togetherness and prayer for the future of our little ones and our nation.

Find happiness in the generous smiles of children, the kindness they show each other, and the simple pleasures they bring to our lives.

Until next time, Peace be with us all,
Grandma Carolyn
Carolyn Cole, Grandmother, Palmdale, California


This month's topic, "Caring For Aging Parents" is a difficult issue. My mother moved in with us two and a half years ago when my father passed away and she sold her house.

I equate my lifestyle to dealing with a two year old with a car and money! That is about the only funny thing I have to say about the situation.

There are many struggles when bringing an elderly parent into your home to live. Here is the parent that you love and who lovingly raised you-only now the tables are reversed. You have to think, organize, remind, and care for a fiercely independent person who is no longer independent.

It is a work in progress and I do not always succeed at it. There are challenges- aging parents may forget things-yet you are a liar. They are grateful for your care-yet resent it, and you find yourself resenting their resentment.

Anyone who finds themselves in this situation has my love, prayers, and understanding. I hope I have yours. Remember, God commands us to take care of our immediate family (I Timothy 5:8).

Find encouragement that you are being obedient and enjoy the opportunity to spend this quality time with your parent.

by Carolyn Cole, Grandmother, Palmdale, California


This grandma is a commuter. I am priviledged to have an hour in the mornign and an hour in the evening to pray for my family and friends. It is my special time with the Lord.

We talk together and I pray for all the things the human part of me has concernes over. God is patient and loving. He listens, counsels, comforts, and consoles. The health and future of a grandchild, the needs of your children, the loss of a dear friend. He is there, never failing to remind me of His all knowing and all poosible presence.

Pray for your family, children, grandchildren and friends. God's power is real! No concern is too small for our Lord. He loves us and shows His love in amazing ways. Pray without ceasing, grandparents--it works!

By Carolyn Cole

Holy House Ministries

Rev. Kimberlie Zakarian
9641 Tujunga Cyn. Blvd. Tujunga, CA 91042
Phone 818-249-3477 Fax 818-249-3432 E-mail