Speaking Topics
Holy House Ministries


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Here you will find a listing and short synopsis of some of Rev. Kimberlie's speaking topics. Please feel free to contact Holy House Ministries for any further information.

"Bringing Our Whole Lives Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ"

In this unique message, Kimberlis addresses four relationships: 1) our relationship with God; 2) our spouse; 3) others(our ministries); and 4) ourselves. How we handle these relationships affects our spritual and emothinal well being

"Submission: Let the Word Bless You"

Through personal experiences and Biblical teaching, Kimberlie shares about Biblical submission and the blessing it brings to the marital relationship.

"Balancing the Scale of Ministry and Family"

Yes, there is a place for a women in ministry. This topic is close to Kimberlie's heart as she shares what God's Word says about a woman's role in the home and church. You can do all God is calling you to do with excellence in His ordained order.

"Prayer-Pregnancy, Labor & Birth"

In this presentation, Kimberlid shares her many seasond of being "pregnant with prayer" -- some that lasted years before birth! She dicusses the pregnancy, labor and delivery process of God initiated prayer. And she also discusses how to sense which stage you are in and how to keep your hope and joy when you feel you have been pregnant too long!

"Surviving Abuse With Victory"

This candid message includes the story of Kimberlis's own victory over sexual abuse as a young child and rape as a teen. She lives to tell that the is compelete healing and restoration through Jesus.

"The Many Hats of a Mommy"

In this teaching, Kimberlie discusses the various hats a women wears: mother, wife, lover, friend, and minister. She teaches how each of these roles pertains to us as a child of God.

"The Many Names of God and How They Affect You"

This study discusses God's carious names, where they are in scripture, and how we can use them to pray more effectivly.


"Turning the Hearts of Parents to Their Children and the Hearts of Children to Their Parents"

In this message, the unity of households as well as the Biblical role of each member is discussed. It is ideal for teenagers and their parents.

"Taming Jealousy Among Women in the Body of Christ"

Whether you have been the victim or vilian of this green eyed monster, this message is sure to bring healing as Kimberlie shares what the Bible says avour jealousy. Belive it or not, there is a purpose for it!

"The Redeemer'e Child"

God has used Kimberlie's testimony to touch the lives of youth as well as adults. She tells of her early childhood commitment to Christ and how the enemy used incest, rape, drugs, alcohol and witchcraft to try and rob a young girl of her salvation and ministry. Kimberlie shares of God's restoring love and healing power and how she knows her Redeemer saved her for His glory.

Holy House Minsitries 2004