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Pregnancy Help from Rev. Kimberlie

This issue's Pregnancy Helps are dedicated to Lanny and Carol Pluimer who are expecting a baby in July. Congratulations Pluimer Family! We love you!


It is a great idea keep a journal of your pregnancy. Once the baby comes, you will forget the priceless incidents and precious details your pregnancy held. Kimberlie's new book Memoirs of a First-time Mom: Conception Through the First Year (PublishAmerica) offers journal pages, devotions, and suggested prayers to help you along. Here are some journaling tips:

·Journal your emotions and thoughts.
·Journal the changes your body is experiencing.
·Write your fears and concerns.
·Pen your prayers and needs.
·Write down everything from the humorous to the mundane-one day you will look back on all of these, often forgotten, events and smile! You will rejoice that you have them recorded.

Here are some suggested prayers, also from Kimberlie's book. We pray that God abundantly answers all of your requests during this precious season of gestation!

·Dear Abba,
I rejoice in the creation within me and the growth and changes taking place. Let me continue to make wise choices and nourish my child properly. Let me relax in you during this time and enjoy your provision. You are my "Abba Father." I praise you for every trial of pregnancy that you bring me through, as my body undergoes many changes. Amen.

·Dear Father,
Please protect this child in my womb. Keep him or her safe and healthy until it is time to emerge into this world. Give me strength to handle my responsibilities during this pregnancy. Amen.

Pregnancy is a wonderful and miraculous time in every woman's life. During my three pregnancies I followed these simple self-made-rules in effort to keep my mind and body healthy and prepare for the arrival of my newborn.


Schedule a block of time each day to relax. Between 10 to 60 minutes doing something that you consider rejuvenating. Reading, napping, watching your favorite show on television, listening to music, painting fingernails, and just sitting on the couch are a few suggestions. This seems so easy to do but let's not kid ourselves, if you have other children this seems nearly impossible- but you can do it! Snuggle up with your kids and read them a book or get out the crayons and paper and watch them color a picture for the new baby.


Staying physically active is a great way to help maintain your physical, emotional, and spiritual health during and after your pregnancy. Exercise does not have to be intense! A leisurely stroll around the neighborhood to get some fresh air will do just fine. (Before beginning or continuing any physical activity or exercise program, check with your physician).

Tammy Wergin
Longmont, Colorado

Pregnancy is one of the most joyful times in a womans life. It can also be filled with stress and uncertainty. Here are some helps to brighten your gestating!

· Get a pedicure- whether you are one month along or nine, feeling beautiful makes a woman feel better. Treat yourself- you deserve it.

· Get plenty of sleep. No matter what your life style is now-it is going to change and so will your sleep. Getting extra rest will not only energize you for your delivery, but also help with post- partum sleep deprivation.

· Ask for help- Come on, now is not the time to be completely self-sufficient. There is no better time to ask for help-everyone wants to assist a pregnant lady. Eat it up while you can! You wont be such a princess when junior arrives!

· Nest and Nest some more- Nesting is a term that I have proven in both my pregnancies. God gives expectant mothers extra energy- an adrenaline rush, before we deliver our offspring. Use this blessing to set up your babies nest. Enjoy the preparations. Shop for everything you did not receive at your showers, wash all of your babies clothes and linens, set up the room, get everything sterilized. Make some dinners to freeze for postpartum quick fixes. The work you do now will leave you more time for you to enjoy your infant when he arrives!

Pastor Kimberlie


Holy House Ministries

Rev. Kimberlie Zakarian
9641 Tujunga Cyn. Blvd. Tujunga, CA 91042
Phone 818-249-3477 Fax 818-249-3432 E-mail