2002 Engagements
March 16 - Holy House Family Conference
April 10- Calvary Open Bible: Spokane WA
April 26 - Trinity Christian School
July 17 - Montrose Nazarene Church: Montrose, CA
Sept. 25 - Foothill Community Church: Tujunga , CA
Wed. 9/11 6 Pm :
Kimberlie will be doing a short motivational talk on
"Priorities" at 9/11 Rememberance Service.
Where: Sunland Park in Sunland, CA. All are welcome. this event is hosted by the American Legion and Verdugo Hills Ministers Association. For more info contact Pastor Glen Haworth at glen@tumc.net
Every other Thursday beginning Sept. 12 - Marriage Cell Group
Sat. Sept. 28 : Holy House Ministries Presentation.
Where: Desert Streams Open Bible Church
Contact Delaine Khan (661) 251-5641
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Ministry News Resources/Tapes Availible
001-"Two Generation Servic"- Message designed to bring unity between parents and teens.
002-"Jealousy- Taming Jealousy Among Women in the Body of Christ"-whether you have been the victim or villain of this green eyed monster this message is sure to bring healing as we study what the Bible says about jealousy- believe it or not, there is a purpose for it!
003-"The Power of the Family"- The family is the single most powerful influence there is in raising a Christian child. This message talks about the value of the family in raising future disciples.
004- Bringing Our Whole Lives Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ-This message addresses our biblical roles and relationships with 1) God, 2) our spouse, 3) others, and 4) self.
005-"Kindred Hearts"-This topic is about the "Kindred Hearts" God desires mothers and daughters to have between one another to experience His greatest blessing. On this tape the L.I.F.E. between a mother and daughter are discussed as Love, Intimacy, Forgiveness, and Edifying One Another. It is sure to bless mothers and daughters of all ages.
006- The Redeemer's Child- Message for teens and adults alike. Kimberlie shares her testimony of abuse, witchcraft, and partying and how God saved her through His great love and set her apart to serve Him mightily.
008-Refocusing Our Roles and Priorities-This was the topic of our conference and our workshop to married couples. By addressing our roles as husbands and wives, and our refocusing our priorities with tangible tips, this tape is sure to challenge married couples on what it means to have a blessed marital union - and bring healing to areas of struggle.
We pray these tapes will bless your family.
To order tapes and worksheets send $5.00 per tape with tape number to: Holy House Ministries(see contacts page)
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Announcements We need contributors for the following columns in the Holy House Ministries'Newsletter: Toddler Tips, Pregnancy Helps, Household Tips, Single Parents' Needs, Children's Chatter. If you would like to submit an article please email it to pastor Kimberlie at HolyHouse9@aol.com.
Since we have just gone "on line" with our ministry, we have few announcments at this time. Check back with us often for updates. If you would like to share an important event with us and our readers, please email us and we will include your announcement here.
Rev. Kimberlie wants to thank all of you who felt led to come and offer her "friend support" at her book signing at Once Upon a Time in Montrose, August 10th. It was a great success!
Thank you everyone!
Please visit Kimberlie's Supporters
Once Upon a Time
2284 Honolulu
Montrose, Ca
Penelope's Cafe And Bookstore
1029 Foothill Blvd.
La Canada, CA 91011
(818) 790-4386